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love the idea and the art style! maybe just needing some fine tuning in the jump mechanic and general difficulty


I loved the art style! but its to hard for me though hahaha.

Thanks, how far did you get? :)


3th stage hahahha

This is so hard for me. I cant beat level 3. ;-;


Nice game btw

Thank you! Level 3 is quite hard, as end of the “lava” part. I think the rest of the game is even slightly easier.


Very cool!

Great art and an interesting mechanic.

I had some weird double jumps here and there.

I'm just curious why is "X" the jump button and not space? Same with "Reset" on "Z" vs. "R". These are just the keys I tried without reading the instructions 😄

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Thank you. The key-mapping is the limitation of the fantasy console Pico-8, which I made it on.

Cool game. love the art style but I didn't found how to reset the level so if I die in a position that doesn't let me continue I have to start all the levels again and it made quiet in the middle

(1 edit)

Thank you! You can press Z (circle if you are on mobile) to reset the level.

oh cool thank u

click( Z )key


This is cool bro, i love the art ! Well done !


Great game, like the difficulty. I don't know if this is intended, but its pretty cool, that you can charge your jump and reset the level, keeping the jump. Used that for jumping over the moving ice spike level.

Thank you! Good discovery, it wasn’t intended, but I kinda like it as a little “speedrunning” hack.


jogo bonito, achei essa mecanica de ter que carregar o pulo, meio cansativa, até mesmo para dar um pulo pequeno tenho que carregar por um tempo.

Acho que ela acaba induzindo o jogador ao erro.

Chega a ser meio que frustrante.

Você poderia ter feito a mecânica padrão de cortar o pulo ao soltar o botão de pular